
Brian Cole

  • Interior Design
  • Photography
  • Professional
  • Luxury
  • Brand

Home with Image

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Bringing the future into focus

[pm_vc_skills image=”64″ skill_title=”Fashion” skill_caption=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incidi ut labore et dolore magna.” skill_value=”60″]
[pm_vc_skills image=”65″ skill_title=”Portraits” skill_caption=”Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium.” skill_value=”35″]
[pm_vc_skills image=”66″ skill_title=”Food + Drink” skill_caption=”Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores.” skill_value=”45″]
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It All Started with Picture

Hey, thanks for stopping by. My name’s Liza Henderson and I’m a Art Director & Photographer based in the San Francisco where I make cool things for agencies and brands around globe. If you like my work then don’t hesitate to reach out.

I am already known for pushing the best of imagery, both stills and films. I evolve, photography evolves, clients evolve, so the way we get the job done should evolve as well. I want to focus on what’s actually needed and slash the stuff that isn’t. I aim at being a proponent for good photography and a voice for change within the business. I’ve got some bold ideas and can’t wait to share.


But firstly it’s about jaw dropping, awe inspiring, surprising and well composed stories told through the lens of the beholder. Make sure you look through my portfolios and have a chat with me about your next project.

I Love My Clients

[pm_vc_testimonials_flow][pm_vc_testimonials_item_flow testimonial_image=”102″ testimonial_text=”Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget fermentum enim, et laoreet ex. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.” testimonial_author=”Richard Murphy” testimonial_additional=”Artist, Boston”][pm_vc_testimonials_item_flow testimonial_image=”104″ testimonial_text=”Mauris porta libero in dui sollicitudin semper. Nullam leo felis, porta nec convallis quis, suscipit id risus. Nullam ligula mauris, suscipit eget pharetra at, consectetur ut nisi.” testimonial_author=”Grace Ross” testimonial_additional=”Model, LA”][pm_vc_testimonials_item_flow testimonial_image=”103″ testimonial_text=”Cras vel magna eget lacus auctor porta. Curabitur viverra, nisi nec consectetur consectetur, nulla erat maximus nibh, vitae euismod urna ex vitae sapien. Nam venenatis aliquam lorem vel pellentesque.” testimonial_author=”Albert Pierce” testimonial_additional=”Photographer, Dallas”][pm_vc_testimonials_item_flow testimonial_image=”107″ testimonial_text=”Ut ac risus nec turpis rutrum aliquam. Suspendisse vitae nibh quam. Nulla tempor porta erat, id scelerisque arcu molestie vel. Cras blandit rhoncus nisl, a tincidunt tortor convallis sed.” testimonial_author=”Nancy Hoover” testimonial_additional=”Model, New York”][pm_vc_testimonials_item_flow testimonial_image=”105″ testimonial_text=”Sed tincidunt tortor quis rhoncus varius. Mauris diam magna, dignissim a porta sed, ullamcorper sed augue. Duis non nisl molestie, commodo libero tincidunt, sodales ex. Nam vestibulum in urna.” testimonial_author=”Helen Evans” testimonial_additional=”Visagiste, Texas”][/pm_vc_testimonials_flow]

Watch My Albums

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