
Brian Cole

  • Interior Design
  • Photography
  • Professional
  • Luxury
  • Brand

Real Estate Pricing

Texas Luxury - Real Estate Photography

Interiors: Up to 25 images, average shoot time is 2 hours, larger listings may require more time. Please have your listing shoot ready before the photographer arrives. (Daytime Exterior shoot included with interior shoot at no charge when carried out on the same visit.  If the exteriors are not ready the day of your interior shoot or if it’s raining, the exterior shoot will have to be booked separately at its regular price)

  • Listings under 2,000 sq ft –  $500
  • Listings 2,000 – 2,999 sq ft – $600
  • Prices continue like this based on sq ft (i.e. 3,000 – 3,999 sq ft – $700)
  • Does not include amenities

Exterior Daytime

Daytime Exterior Photography up to 10 images.

Daytime Exterior – $350

Included free with a Texas Luxury Real Estate shoot on the same visit, daytime exterior does not include amenities.

Exterior Twilight

Exterior photography taken after the sun sets, up to 10 images

  • Twilight Shoot – $500
  • Twilight add-on (same visit as a Texas Luxury shoot) – $300

Interior Twilight

Interior Photography taken after the sun sets, up to 10 images -$500

*Exterior Twilight and Interior Twilight shoots cannot be taken on the same day due to lack of time and available light. There is no add-on discount for Interior Twilight. (*High-rise condos will include exterior balcony/ view shots.)

Showcase Shoot

I hour of shoot time, up to 10 images, any size listing -$600

Drone Photography

  • Drone Shoot (sand alone) up to 10 images – $500
  • Drone single image(s) add-on (same visit as a Texas Luxury shoot) $100 to put the drone in the air, this includes 1 image, additonal images $25 per image.

Single Image Pricing -"coming soon images", buyer's rep, etc...

If you only need a couple of images for a coming soon ad, or buyer’s rep, whatever the case may be, we’re here to serve you.

  • Price per image – $75
  • Location fee – $100


Because our prices are so low and our shoot time is so short we don’t typically scout locations.

If you would like us to come out to scout a location we are happy to book an appointment with you.

  • $200  up to one hour
  • $500 up to 2 hours

Image Licensing purchase options

Standard: Standard image licensing (see our policy page for more info) comes included with the cost of your shoot.

  • Private Seller: If you have a seller who is is private and would prefer that Brian Cole Photography not post any images to social media, or our website you can purchase a “Private Seller” license for $400 (note that we do not include any names or addresses when we post to social media or our website, we post the image only) (Please note that a “Private Seller” license does not replace the “Realtor Exclusive” or “All Party Exclusive” license(s). The Private Seller license prohibits Brian Cole Photography’s use of the images, but we still retain the right to license the images to third parties for their use.) The “Private Seller” license can also be added to the “Realtor Exclusive” or “All Party Exclusive” license.
  • Realtor Exclusive:  A “realtor exclusive” license gives you the same usage rights as our standard licensing but also ensures that the images will not be licensed to other realtors. The cost for this is the same as the original shoot cost. I.e. $500 shoot + realtor exclusive license $500 = $1,000 total.
  • All-Party Exclusive: An “all-party exclusive” license gives you the same usage rights as our standard licensing but also ensures the images will not be licensed to any third parties. The cost for this is two times the original shoot cost. I.e. $500 shoot + all-party exclusive license $1,000 = $1,500 total.
  • Specialty licensing must be purchased at the time of the shoot. This option will not be available later to prevent licensing from someone else.

Third Party Image Licensing

Third parties i.e. Builders, Stagers, Architects, Landscapers, Vendors, etc. may purchase usage rights for real estate images. The cost per image is $75 This includes the original agent if they also would like to use the images for their own design/build, staging, or any other business.

Real Estate Agents who have taken over a listing may purchase the usage rights for the original shoot.  The charge will be the same as the cost of the original shoot (current prices apply). If the new agent wants to purchase usage rights for individual images the price per image is $75.

When multiple parties are involved special arrangements can be made in advance of your shoot.

Rush orders

Rush orders can be placed, we ask that you order your rush before your shoot.

  • Single image next-day rush $75 per image
  • Full shoot next-day rush $250 (based on availability)
  • Regular delivery with out a rush order is 2 business days (excluding weekends and holidays)


If two agents are co-listing there is a $200 fee ($100 each)  to cover the additional licensing.


Invoices will be sent by email via square processing. Images will not be delivered until the invoice is paid. We ask that all invoices be paid before your scheduled delivery time of 2 business days.

  • all photography is subject to applicable sales tax